Monday, September 22, 2014

John 16:33

hola familia!

I know I start every email off the same, but seriously, what a freaking
week we had. The Lord never stops surprising me, He is sooooo good to us!
So much has happened. First off I´d like to introduce the world to the
greatest missionary this generation has seen, my new companion Elder
Hannemann! He´s from alpine utah, went to Lone Peak high school, loves to
play football, and is already an incredible missionary. I sware he got
pre-trained by the three nephites because he is too good for how little
experience he has. It´s awesome! We already have great unity and are
teaching with power, and the coolest part is that he´s not afraid to try,
no matter what it is. I¨m lovin life right now. So check out what the Lord
has done for us this week.

Demetrio and his family are getting baptized this weekend! On Saturday at 7
pm. so please send as many prayers up to heaven as you can so that they
reach their day without any problems. They have so much faith and aren´t
afraid at all to exercize their faith. A common fear that inv. have when
accepting a baptismal date or approaching it is that they feel that they
don´t know enough. Well we set the date only ten days out and they readily
accepted it. I anticipated that they would say that they need to know
everything before baptism so I said to Roxana "don´t worry about knowing
everything before baptism, we´re all still learning and that´s not the
requirment for baptism." As I was saying that she interrupted me and said
"yeah yeah I know, I´ve got plenty of time to learn everything like you
guys, I just want to be baptized. That´s what faith is for right?" *jaw
hits floor in same spot as last week* They are so stinking prepared! And
the best part is that I have literally not done a thing. It´s all the Lord.
He´s prepared them 100% and we´re just mere tools in His hands. They came
to church and loved it and even brought a friend with them. The baptism was
announced and everyone in the ward afterwards was congratulating them, etc.
and so now it´s official. This family is incredible. The Lord is too good
to us.

So lastly I want to share some thoughts on an experience we had this week.
We met and taught a lady on the street and she told us about her life. She
has had a rough rough life. Abandoned as a girl, her husband beats her, one
of her children died from a disease and the other committed suicide, and
she is chronically sick herself. Admist all these trials and hardships, she
has prayed and prayed for relief, for help and for Him to make it all
better. But to hear it appears that her prayers have fallen on deaf ears
because nothing has changed, she continues suffering. We simply testified
to her of the power of the Atonement, that Christ suffered so we don't have
to, and that with the gospel we live with a different perspective. An
eternal perspective that changes how we see our trials, and with a hope (in
the resurrection and in His Atonement) so strong that it can carry us
through all the hard times. Unfortunately this woman has chosen to let her
trials control her, and let her suffering get the best of her and has given
up, she no longer believes.

So my thoughts are this. We can all say that we would still believe if we
asked God for something and He gave it to us. But can you say the same if
He doesn´t give you want you ask for? I suppose that is the real test. What
we decide to do with our faith admist trials and suffering. The Lord
teaches us that in this life we will have trials and afflictions (subject
line) but He also assures us that all those things will be for our good
(DyC 122:7-8) because He has overcome the world. So lets all make sure that
we can say within ourselves "no matter what happens, no matter who or what
I lose, I will never stop believing in and loving my Heavenly Father and
His Son Jesus Christ." That is the unbreakable faith the apostle Paul talks
about, and that the prophet Jacob talks about. So that´s my invitation to
ya´ll for this week. Don´t let your trials nor your situations control you
and change what you believe. Rather, you control them and learn from them
the lessons that are to be had.

This guy´s kinda long, sorry bout that, it was a really good week! So
please continue to pray for our investigators. The family´s names are
Demetrio, Roxana, Anthony, and Kimberly. 27th of Septemer they´re getting
baptized. Thank you for all your prayers and support! I love you all so
much! I hope you have a great week and feel the Spirit lots. Loves.

Elder Webb

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