Well my dear family, it was quite a week. We worked really hard and at the end of the week all I wanted to do was take a big ol' nap. For starters we had a baptism! A part member family here in the ward was finally made into an all member family, and are now on their way to the temple! Her name is Laura and she´s super chill, really smart tool. Her mom wants me to teach her piano. I said, for every friend that you bring to church, I will give one free lesson! I think that´s a fair hand off right? The baptism went really well and the bishop was really pleased; he performed the ordinances. He´s happy to see the ward growing and excited to see families in the chapel, not just individuals.
There was also an elder sick in the hospital for the whole week, he got a stomach infection, poor guy. He´s still in there as I write this, but should be leaving this evening. Having to help him out added to the crazieness as well, but miraculously their area didn´t totally and completely die this week while they were gone, so that was good. We also went out and did exchanges with the elders in Huercal-Overa. It´s a small town in the province of Almería. The area is a pretty tough area and the elders needed some help and motivation, so we both went out there and knocked it out with them. They got really excited after that and their area is already starting to improve. I¨m happy.
In some sadder news, Maru did not get baptized. She said that she did not recieve an answer about the Book of Mormon within the week that we were shooting for. That´s okay though. The truth is that I know she´ll get baptized, it´s not a matter of if, it´s a matter of when. She feels that she´s fine off in the eyes of God becuase she hasn´t commited any serious sins and says she´s recieved forgiveness of the ones she did have, so she has no need nor desire to be baptized. We´re still going to work with her though. We´re going to read the Book of Mormon with her two or three times a week. I know that by doing this, one day, one of these verses will jump out and just sing to her and she will recieve a testimony of the book of the prophet Joseph Smith. That´s happened for me a dozen times, so I know it´ll happen to her.
I´m companions with my best friend. Serisouly though, there are times where he IS Logan Hone. His jokes, mannerisms, the way he talks, everything! It´s super weird, but makes for really fun work. Funny thing is, his name is Logan! Logan Ryan Patterson. And he´s my best friend and my companion. We both read a great talk by Tad R. Callister (who, my bet says will be the next apostle) called Becoming a Consecrated Missionary. I had read it before and it changed my mission, but we read it together and have decided to become a consecrated companionship. There´s always room for improvement, and we not only want to become the best missionaries we can individually, but as a companionship as well. I´m really looking forward to the coming months becuase we´re just going to work as hard as we can and see miracles here in molina! And have a lot of fun at the same time.
Cool miracle that happened yesterday. Saturday night I called Gustavo and his family to see if they were going to come to church. They said no because they had some other commitment. I was kinda sad becuase they´ve been progressing so nicely. That night Elder Patterson and I prayed for a miracle from the Lord so that we could have more people in church. The following day at church, I´m up putting the numbers in for the songs and guess who walks in? Gustavo and his whole family! Super huge miracle. I´m not sure what happened, but the Lord blessed them and helped them have the desire to come. And they got to see the baptism as well. :) Now it´s their turn to get baptized. They have a fecha for this friday but want to move it back a couple of weeks to get more prepared. We´re going to meet with them a couple of times this week, so it´s possible we could have another baptism, or we might not. We´ll see what the Lord wants. Please continue to pray for Gustavo, Marisol, Josue, and Alejandra, that they feel the Spirit, that they aren´t afraid, and that they have the courage to make the decision to be baptized. It´s another family that can be an eternal family!
Well my dearest family, how I do love all of you so very much. The work is going good here, I´m feeling the Spirit, the people are feeling the Spirit, they´re coming to church, testimonies are growing, and I´m companions with my best friend. Life is good because in all of that, I´m feeling the love of God that He has for me and for His children, and that thing is "the most desirable above all things... and the most joyous to the soul." (1 Ne 11:22-23). There are lots of ways that we can feel the love of God, like by doing missionary work for instance. So I invite all of you to look in your lives for areas to improve, and things to change so that you feel the love of God more abundantly in your life. I promise that a joy and happiness beyond measure will fill your heart, even if things aren´t going exactly how we want them too. We feel His love through the Spirit, and the Spirit fills us with hope, light and more love, which last and endures through diligant prayer until it grows brighter and brighter until the perfect day. (Moroni 8:25-26; DyC 50:24). I love you family and pray for you every night. Please pray for our investigators so that they feel the Spirit and have the courage to make the dicision to be baptized. I hope you all have a good week! Love love love!
Elder Webb
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