Monday, September 2, 2013

Sept. 2nd 2013‏

Hola familia!

So there was a huge concilio in Málaga this last week. It was originally just for the District leaders, but President changed it last minute and all the Zone Leaders and the Training Sisters (ya´ll know that there are leadership positions for sisters now right?) came too and it was super awesome. The only downfall was that I was out of my area for three whole days! The mission home is about 8 hours away from here in bus, lot´s of traveling. The training was really cool, we talking about our purpose and about how far it really goes meaning we need to be looking past baptism and towards the temple as the real goal. Hermana Deere also gave us a presentation of a new program the church has released. Does everyone know what the "twelve week program" is? It´s a program the church developed to train new missionaries in twelve weeks. The purpose is to get them to the point where they could be able to train after twelve weeks. So! with that, the church has come out with another program called "adjusting to misisonary life" and it talks mainly about stress and how to deal with it and really be a happy missionary. It covers all sorts of aspects like physical, emotional, spiritual, etc. And it has advice about how to deal with stress caused in all these specific areas, it´s pretty cool. But it got me thinking; why did the church spend all this money to make this booklet and program? Becuase they want their missionaries to be happy and effective right? Well what I want to know is what did they do before? Was the work just not as stressful? Did people not struggle? Doubt it, so then why did it take the Chruch so long to come out with something like this? Are the missionaries these days all just super wimpy and can´t handle it or what? That´s what I want to know.

So it´s transfers week! Elder Morán is going to Sanlucar, on the other side of the country, and I¨m getting a new comp. And by new comp I mean that I'm training again! I´m super excited, of all the things I¨ve done so far, training has been my favorite. It´s a lot of fun, and you see a lot of miracles. There will be 37 new missionaries arriving tomorrow and wednesday, and I don´t think a single one of them is a native. They´re all from the US, and the majority from Utah haha. They call Utah "la fabrica" and the missionaries from there "fabricantes". These next two transfers are going to super awesome, which means I will most likely be in Elche for 6 months! Plenty of time to get to know the members and the area well and find those that the Lord has prepared!

That was basically it for this last week, and this week is full of tons of eating citas to say goodbye to Elder Moran, and then I go get my new companion on Wednesday and come back Friday. The mission has changed so stinking much since I got here and I¨m super excited. There´s almost 200 missionaries here right now, and more just keep coming. It´s insane! And once we all learn how to recognize the Spirit and follow it´s promptings, nothing is going to stop us from baptizing all of southern Spain! 

Anywho, I love you all and will send pictures next week! Have a wonderful, fun and Spirit filled week this week. Look for opportunities to serve and for Spiritual Experiences! I love you all! 

con amor,

elder Webb

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